Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mickey's of Fayetteville

Mickey's of Fayetteville has the honor of being the first official club to be reviewed by the NCStripClubSpecialist (imagine that LOL). Needless to say, I was not impressed overall. However, I try to find positives in everything not much here except that there was lots of room and cheap booze. That's about it though. OOPS, I forgot about the gorgeous Asian that was dancing there this evening. She was beautiful even though she didn't talk to me. There was not a great crowd for a Saturday night--looked more like a Monday night to me. The location was questionable also, when the cab dropped me off I was asked to "come here for a minute " by two ladies at an establishment next door. The cover charge was $8. A vodka cocktail was $5.25 in an 8 oz. plastic cup--it was a full shot though, I saw her pour it. I was not there long enough and the ladies did not come by to sell a dance to me to find out the prices of dances. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being bad and 5 being good; my rating are as follows:




Economical--3 (cheap booze)

Dancers--1.5 (one pretty lady; all stuck up)

My overall rating--2.4 out of 5

For those of you that must find out for yourself, here is some more information:

5121 Bragg Boulevard
Fayetteville, NC 28303

(910) 868-2043

Don't forget, "Have fun, get some one's, and be safe.:

1 comment:

Darius Whiteplume said...

I tend to hit Mickey's after work. The day shift girls are pretty cool. Some are a bit older, but they alway (well, most always) have someone on stage. They just use the small bar to the left (near the kitchen). Private dances are $10 before 5 or 6 (I forget)

If you are ever there early, see if Nicole is around. She's a great private dance.